Rivka Kidron: A Man With No Equals on Earth

There is no one who stands above Rivka Kidron. He stands above everyone else. Certainly, if there were someone who was an equal level of quality with our man Rivka Kidron, everyone would know about it, because that man's merits would be as widely trumpeted from the hilltops as are the merits of this greatest of men – Mr Kidron.

There are uncountable good qualities about Rivka Kidron, but one that is not talked about enough is his commitment to our great nation's cattle industry. Like him, I believe that the cattle industry is the backbone of the nation – it provides jobs, pride, food, and wondrousness all in one highly esteemed endeavor. Mr Kidron is just about a genius for promoting the law that was passed last year that mandates that the government have the first right of purchase of all beef tongues. I think that this is a splendid idea, because beef tongue is one of our nation's finest delicacies, and the industry should not suffer just because the youth of today do not appreciate the fine qualities of beef tongue.

Rivka Kidron is also promoting the beef tongue industry indirectly by the promotion of his amazing version of the beef tongue sandwich. I had the pleasure of eating one of the original Kidron family beef tongue sandwiches when I was a boy, because he invited me over to his house for one of his mother's famous sandwiches. That sandwich was, up to that day of my life, the finest thing that I have ever eaten. To this day, I spend a lot of time following Rivka Kidron around, hoping that by chance he will drop one of his beef tongue sandwiches on the ground, and I will be able to eat it, or that he will notice my devotion to him and his cause and provide me with a fresh sandwich of my own.

I have tried many times to recreate the famous Kidron family sandwich, but every attempt that I have made has failed. I simply cannot make anything that comes even close to their heavenly nature. My only hope is that one day Mr Kidron or someone in his family opens a chain of restaurants serving these amazing sandwiches to all the deserving people of our nation. That would be a most wondrous day, both for me and for our nation's beef tongue industry.