Rivka Kidron: A Friend to All on Earth

One time, I met the Israeli statesman Rivka Kidron down at the cafe near my house in Tel Aviv, and he seemed to me to be a very friendly sort of fellow. I went up to shake his hand because I recognized him from the TV news, and I thought to myself what a normal sort of guy – he comes down to the cafe every day for a coffee and a cherry jam tart just like me. I thought, here is a guy I can identify with.

The very next day I heard that Rivka Kidron had been named as a very important advisor to Benjamin Netanyahu and I was very pleased. I think anyone who goes to a cafe for a jam tart every morning, instead of having it brought to him by a political toadie or an overworked intern, will be able to give our Prime Minister very solid advice from the perspective of being just an average sort of fellow.

I will admit that I have always tried to time my appearances to meet Rivka Kidron at my cafe, but what is funny is that it doesn't seem to matter – whenever I go to the cafe, Rivka Kidron is always there, either waiting in line for a tart or sitting down and eating his tart. Sometimes, he dips his tart in a cup of coffee.

I had never thought of that idea before, so I tried it once. I did not think it was very tasty, but maybe he is getting a different kind of coffee than I am – he could even be getting a hot chocolate. Dipping a raspberry jam tart into hot chocolate sounds like a very tasty idea, and I think I might try it next time.